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Cyber threats
Cyber threats

Globally, the cyber threat continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with an increasing number of data breaches every year. Already in the first nine months of 2019, the shocking number of 7.9 billion data records had become public as a result of data breaches.

Penetration testing
Penetration testing benefits

Your organization does not want to have business-critical information out in the open. After all, being hacked can be disastrous for your organization. To make sure you have your digital security in order, a penetration test is a must

Benefits High Level Structure

There is often talk about HLS (High Level Structure) in ISO standards. But what does this mean? What are the conditions that you must meet as a company and what are the advantages for the ISO standards?


SOC 1 benefits
ISAE 3402 | SOC1
What is the benefit of SOC 1 for my organization?

SOC 1 is the international standard for outsourcing, which means that you meet international requirements that are also recognizable for both your national and international clients.

ISAE 3402 | SOC1
Control Reports

Due to the current developments in the field of outsourcing and the associated risk management, SASconsult has developed an implementation model that enables a cost-efficient SOC 1 implementation.

ISAE 3402 | SOC1
How does a service organization prepare for SOC 1?

The SOC 1 standard requires service organizations to be proactive in meeting the requirements imposed by service auditors (accountants).